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Dolphins Bay, Coral Cay, Zapatillas Cay. Fauna observation, beach, snorkel, trails.
Dolphins Bay, Coral Cay, Sloth Island. Fauna observation, snorkel.
Red Frog Beach, Polo Beach, Hospital Point. Fauna observation, beach, snorkel, trails.
Boca del Drago, Birds Island, Starfish Beach. Fauna observation, beach, mangroves.
Zapatillas Cays (Marine Park), Salt Creek, Coral Cay. Fauna observation, beach, culture, trails.
San Cristobal, Valle Escondido. Trails, indigenous culture, fauna observation, handicrafts.
Comarca Ngabe-Bugle: Valiente Peninsula, Canas River, Damani Lagoon. Indigenous culture, fauna observation.
Escudo de Veraguas Island, Canas River, Damani Lagoon. Indigenous culture, fauna observation, snorkel, beach.
Tours of sport fishing: flying & spinning in the Admiral Bay. Includes all the fishing gear.